Psst... hey you! This is a pro tip for mobile SuperBetter players: if you've never checked out the online version, you're missing some of our most powerful features! You've got a Secret Lab online, bonus ally features, and more. Be sure to log in at www.superbetter.com to get even more of your SuperBetter experience.

Understanding SuperBetter

What is SuperBetter?

SuperBetter is a tool created by game designers and backed by science. Playing SuperBetter helps build personal resilience: the ability to stay strong, motivated, and optimistic even in the face of difficult challenges. Resilience has a powerful effect on health—by boosting physical and emotional well-being. Resilience also helps you achieve your life goals—by strengthening your social support and increasing your stamina, willpower, and focus.

Every aspect of SuperBetter is designed to harness the power of positive emotions and social connection to help you improve your life.

Who is SuperBetter for?

SuperBetter is for people who want more out of life—who want to feel happier, healthier, and more able to reach their goals. SuperBetter was designed with universal psychological research—meaning anyone can benefit from playing, regardless of age, gender, or location! Anyone over the age of 13 can create an account at SuperBetter.

What are the benefits of playing SuperBetter?

SuperBetter makes you stronger. It helps you build social, mental, and emotional resilience in the face of any illness, injury, or health goal. Building resilience—the ability to stay optimistic, curious, motivated, and connected to others even in the face of an extreme challenge—has been scientifically proven to improve health outcomes of all kinds. Playing SuperBetter makes you more capable of getting through any tough situation—and more likely to achieve the goals that matter most to you.

Are there studies backing SuperBetter?

Absolutely! Studies at leading universities evaluating SuperBetter and its Live Gamefully® method have shown that thosew ho play SuperBetter experience mental, social and emotional improvements linked to higher resilience -- more optimism, social support, self-efficacy and life satisfaction; and less anxiety, depression & hopelessness.

A randomized controlled trial conducted by the University of Pennsylvania found that playing SuperBetter for 40 days increases resilience, optimism, social support, and players' belief in their own ability to succeed and achieve their goals. They also found that SuperBetter users had significantly fewer symptoms of anxiety and depression and were significantly happier and more satisfied with their lives.

A clinical trial funded by the National Institutes of Health and conducted at Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center and Cincinnati Children's Hospital found that using SuperBetter improves mood, decreases anxiety and suffering, and strengthens family relationships during rehabilitation and recovery.

SuperBetter had the greatest effect for reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression among smartphone apps that have been evaluated in randomized controlled trials, according to meta-analyses recently publised in World Psychiatry and Journal of Affective Disorders.

How can I learn about the science of SuperBetter?

As you play SuperBetter, you'll find science icons hidden throughout your missions. Clicking these icons gives you access to the science of SuperBetter—including links to the research articles that everything's based on.

You can see an overview of the science behind SuperBetter at ShowMeTheScience.com.

What is a Power-Up?

Power-ups are quick, easy, and positive actions that make you feel better. Collecting and activating Power-Ups is one of the most important parts of boosting resilience and living gamefully.

What is a Quest?

A Quest is a small step towards the goals that matter most to you. In SuperBetter you'll seek out and complete Quests as a way of taking committed actions and keeping your eyes on your larger goals. These committed actions of taking small steps forward will boost hope, confidence, and optimism.

What is a Bad Guy?

Bad Guys are anything that get in the way of your desired actions and goals. They can can be thoughts, feelings, habits, temptations, or situations. In SuperBetter, you'll learn to identify your Bad Guys and to develop and practice strategies to battle them with courage and patience.

What is an Ally?

You can read all about Allies in the "Allies section of the FAQ page.

What is an Epic Win?

Epic Wins are gameful goals that are realistic, challenging, energizing, and forgiving (meaning that it's okay to fail numerous times before succeeding). If you often play games, you might recognize these four qualities as being similar to the types of goals found in games. You can set one Epic Win at a time, but after you achieve your first Epic Win, create another to continue on your SuperBetter path!

What is a Secret Identity?

A Secret Identity is a special nickname you select for yourself in SuperBetter. Adopting a Secret Identity helps you identify your heroic story and create a sense of epic meaning. Secret Identities can inspire us, remind us of our heroic strengths (such as creativity or leadership), or simply make us smile.

In addition to the special nickname that you choose for yourself, the character that you choose to visually you is also a part of your Secret Identity. You can choose a character that appeals to you for any reason.

How do I create or change my Secret Identity?

On the SuperBetter Website

To create your secret identity, click on the upside-down triangle in the upper right corner of the screen. Click on "EDIT MY PROFILE" and from there click on the "SECRET IDENTITY" which will be on the left side on the screen. Then click on "EDIT" which will be on the right of your current Secret Identity. On the edit screen, you will be able to edit your Secret Identity and upload a picture!

On the SuperBetter iOS App

To edit your Secret Identity, first log into your account and then click on the Profile tab. Under "MY PROFILE" click on "MY SECRET IDENTITY" to add a picture and change your secret identity.

On the SuperBetter Android App

To edit your Secret Identity, first log into your account and then click on the "ACTIVITY" tab at the top of the screen. At the top of the screen you'll see an icon that looks like a person, click on that and then click on your current Secret Identity to edit.

How do I view and add Power Packs?

On the SuperBetter Website

To find the Power Packs available in SuperBetter, log into your account. On the main screen you will see the SuperBetter logo in the upper left corner, and below this is an icon of a box with a lightning bolt. Click on that icon and it will take you to the Power Pack screen. From there you'll be able to see Power Packs available ("GET POWER PACKS") as well as Power Packs you've selected ("MY POWER PACKS"). You can find more detailed description of a Power Pack by clicking the "View" icon

In "MY POWER PACKS" you'll also be able to view the Quests, Power-Ups, Bad Guys, and Science Cards for each of your Power Packs.

On the SuperBetter iOS App

To find the Power Packs, log into your accoutn. click on the HQ tab and then the POWERPACKS tab which is at the top. There you'll be able to see Power Packs you've selected ("MY POWER PACKS") as well as other Power Packs available (under "GET POWER PACKS"). If you click on a Power Pack you'll be able to view the number of Quests, Power-Ups, Bad Guys, and Science Cards, and a button to load that Power Pack.

On the SuperBetter Android App

To find the Power Packs, log into your account. Click on the ACTIVITY bar at the top, then click on the box with the lightning bolt. There you will see "MY POWER PACKS." After scrolling past "MY POWER PACKS" you will see "GET POWER PACKS." Theses are Power Packs you can add to your SuperBetter game.

Playing SuperBetter

What does it mean to "play" SuperBetter?

SuperBetter is a way of living gamefully in real life. You can sign up and tell us what challenge you're trying to takle, and we'll recommend Power-Ups to help you feel better, Bad Guys to watch out for, and Quests to get closer to your goals. Feel free to try different combinations of Power Packs as well as create your own custom Quests, Bad Guys, and Power-Ups! Each time you complete a Quest, activate a Power-Up, or battle a Bad Guy, just log into SuperBetter and push the "I DID THIS!" button to record your action. This will increase your personal resilience in real life and also move you forward in the game. If you're using the website version and feeling stuck or need help, click on the "HELP I'M STUCK!" link on the left side of the page. You can also ask for tips from the community on the SuperBetter Community Group on Facebook!

What's the minimum I should do each day to get SuperBetter?

Doing any number of activities each day will reap benefits! To get the most out of SuperBetter, we recommend a "Daily Dose":

  • Activate 3 Power-ups
  • Battle 1 Bad Guy
  • Complete 3 Quests on your To Do list

Your To Do list will automatically keep track of everything you do, so you'll know when your Daily Dose is complete. If you have more time, check in with an Ally, do more Quests, or update the Trackers in your Secret Lab!

How do I win SuperBetter?

You win SuperBetter by achieving your Epic Win, a real-life goal you set for yourself. When you achieve your Epic Win, you can choose a new goal and start again!

SuperBetter is like life. It's a process, not an outcome. We think that you win every day you show up, face your challenges, and keep aiming for your goals.

Why aren't all of my Quests being counted in my To Do when I complete them?

The To Do list counter only tracks Quests that are on your To DO list. If you completed quests that weren't on your To Do, good for you! Your Resilience Score will still go up and you'll still be getting stonger, but your To Do counter will not reflect those efforts

If your To Do isn't showing enough items (or the right items), you can edit how your Quests are displayed on your To Do list. Just go to your full list of Quests, pick one you want to change, clicke "VIEW," and then click "EDIT." The next screen will give you options to change when Quests are scheduled to appear on your To Do.

Why does my Current Resilience go down sometimes?

Your Current Resilience score reflects your daily activity, and goes up and down depending on how you play each day. You can compare it with your Peak Resilience, which is the highest your score has ever been at one time. Things you an do to maximize your Resilience include logging in every day, completeing Quests, battling Bad Guys, activating Power-Ups, and completing the Trackers in your Secret Lab. (Note for mobile users: your Secret Lab is only available on our full website version at SuperBetter.com)

How do I remove a Power Pack?

If you've decided you no longer want to keep a Power Pack in your game, here's how you can remove it from view:

On the SuperBetter Website

  1. Go to the Power Packs page by clicking on the bos with the ligtning bolt and click "MY POWER PACKS"
  2. Click the "VIEW" button next to the power pack you'd like to remove.
  3. Click "REMOVE" on the next screen.

On the SupeBetter Mobile App

  1. Go to your HQ and click "POWER PACKS."
  2. Find the Power Pack you wish to remove under the "MY POWER PACKS" heading, and click on it.
  3. On the next screen, click the "DELETE" button in the upper-right corner.

I'm just coming back to SuperBetter. Can I pick up where I left off? Can I start over?

Yes, even if you have been gone from SuperBetter for an extended period of time, you can pick up right where you left off.

If you'd like to start from scratch, you'll need to delete your account and create a new one. (If you'd like to keep the same username, no worries! Your username will become available once you've deleted your old account.)

To delte your account, first log into your account on the SuperBetter website. Next, in the upper right corner of the screen click on the upside-down triangle and click "EDIT MY PROFILE." Then hit the "DELETE" button. This will take you to another screen asking if you are sure. Click "DELETE MY ACCOUNT." This will take you to another screen asking if you are definately sure, click "YES, DELETE MY ACCOUNT." Clicking delete will remove your account permanently. Now you're ready to start over with a clean slate! (Note: This feature is only available on the SuperBetter Website and not on the mobile apps)

Is the game available in other languages?

We’re not ready to support translation into multiple languages, but it’s something we'd like to offer in the future.

Is the app available for my mobile device?

Yes, the SuperBetter app is available for iPhones and iPads, and Android devices! You can also play it on any web browser by visiting

Are the features the same on the mobile app as they are on the website?

The mobile app is a companion to the website, not a full version of it. Some features (like your Secret Lab and your Ally dashboard) are only available on the website version. If you've only played on your phone, you can log in to your account at www.superbetter.com to discover even more ways to get SuperBetter!

How will I know that I'm really getting better?

In addition to what you notice in your everyday life — feeling stronger, happier, and more connected — you can track your progress with the SuperBetter and Well-Being Trackers in your Secret Lab (only available on the website version). These short surveys are based on scientific measures that assess everything from curiosity, hope, and gratitude to determination, progress toward goals, and post-traumatic growth. The higher your scores measure, the more you're building up your capacity to surmount any obstacle and achieve any goal.

How can I keep a positive attitude and stick with it?

If you're struggling to keep a "never give up" attitude, here are some tips that might help you along:

  • Focus less on outcomes and goals and more on tiny steps that feel good in the moment.
  • Enlist plenty of positive social support. This is hands down the best thing any of us can do to improve our health and attitude towards our health.
  • Accept that some days will be easy and others will be hard. It's normal and okay. Having a down day (or week even) doesn't mean you're doing anything "wrong." Just keep playing!
  • Know that sometimes it takes hard work, grit, and determination to transform our challenges. Other times all we can do is witness our situation with neutral attention. Experiment with what works best for you.
  • Be sure that when you do choose a goal, you're choosing something that is a stretch but still realistic and attainable. Start small!
  • And most importantly—be good to yourself. Celebrate even tiny successes.


What is an Ally?

An Ally is someone you invite to view your progress and support your journey to getting SuperBetter. Your Allies can leave comments on your Activity Wall, offer recommendations, and reward your successes.

Studies show that sharing positive social connection with another person is one of the best things we can do to boost our mental, physical, and emotional health. That's why we've made Allies such a big part of playing SuperBetter.

How should I pick my Allies?

Which of your friends can you really be yourself around? Who would you like to get closer to? Whose voice do you want to hear cheering wildly for you as you reach that extra inch toward your goal? These are the people you should consider inviting to be your SuperBetter Allies.

You may also want to check out our SuperBetter Community Group on Facebook. Here you can post a message describing your challenge and your Epic Win, and ask for virtual Allies — other players in the game who would like to support you along the way.

How can I check if my Ally got my invitation?

On the SuperBetter Website

Not sure if your Ally recieved your invitation? Start by logging into SuperBetter and click on the "INVITATIONS" link at the top right of the page. Then click the "SENT" link in the left navigation. If an invitation says "RESEND/CANCEL" then the connection hasn't been fully made. Ask your friend to check their email again, or to log in to their SuperBetter account and look for your invitation. If it's not there, then it's possible you may have used a different email address than the one that's associated with their account. You may need to resend the invitation using the email address associated with their account.

If it says "ACCEPTED" but you don't see them in your Allies link, then it's possible the connection may have been broken. Try inviting them again and see what happens. When inviting new Allies make sure you're clicking the "ALLIES" link in the left navigation of the main page, and not the "ALLY" link at the top of the main page. "ALLIES" is for people you've invited and "ALLY" is for interacting with the people who've invited you!

On the SuperBetter iOS App

First log into your account and head over to the HQ tab and click on the ALLIES tab. There you'll be able to see all of your pending invitation that have been recieved and sent.

This feature is not available on the SuperBetter Android App

I received an Ally invitation via email, but it’s not there when I log in. What happened?

This can happen when people have multiple email addresses. Check to see what email you’re using for your SuperBetter account (it’s in your profile settings), and then check to see what email your friend sent the invitation to. If they’re different, ask your friend to send an invitation to the correct address.

My Ally invitations are not working, what do I do?

If they don't already have a SuperBetter account, ask your friend to create one using the email address you used to send your Ally invitation. If they already have an account, send another invite using the email addressed associated with their account.

How can I become an Ally for someone else?

Science shows the health benefits of support go both ways. This means that being an Ally to someone else helps you get stronger. That’s right—by supporting someone else’s dreams and goals you also support your own. But please take note: while the health benefits automatically go both ways, SuperBetter Ally status does not. You can invite someone to be your Ally using the Ally form. But if you want to be someone else's Ally, they have to invite you. All you have to do is ask!

What is Ally Mode and what should I do as an Ally?

There are many things you can do as an Ally to help your Hero. Once you are someone's Ally, you can get to your ALLY page by using the toggle at the very top of the screen. Click over the "ALLY" toggle button and you'll find all the kinds of fun ways to interact with your Heroes! The To Do list on the right hand side of the screen offers five interactive ways to champion your Heroes while enjoying free points and mood boosts at the same time. You can suggest a check-in with your Hero, suggest a Quest, leave positive comments, "like" the actions they've taken, and award your Hero an achievement. The most important thing is to just keep showing up. Each of these actions will help increase your Ally Skills points-so stay involved! (Note: This feature is only available on the SuperBetter Website and not on the mobile apps.)

What is the difference between Ally Mode and Hero Mode?

If you're an Ally to someone, at the top of your screen you'll see that you can toggle between HERO and ALLY. In Hero mode, you are the Hero and are working towards your own Epic Win! In Ally mode you're able to interact with and help those who have asked you to be their Ally!

I started as an Ally. Can I play SuperBetter for myself, too?

Definitely! Just click on the "YOU" menu in the upper left when you're logged in and select "Create my own Secret Headquarters." This lets you start your own heroic SuperBetter journey to overcome an injury or illness or achieve a health goal.

How do I remove an Ally?

On the SuperBetter Website

You can always remove an Ally for any reason. To delete or remove an Ally first log into your account Then click on the "ALLIES" tab on the left side of the page. Click on the Ally you'd like to delete/remove and click on "DELETE."

On the SuperBetter iOS App

You can always remove an Ally for any reason. To delete or remove an Ally first log into your account. Then click on the "HQ" tab and click on "ALLIES" tab. Click to the Ally you'd like to delete/remove and click "Delete" at the top of the screen.

On the SuperBetter Android App

You can always remove an Ally for any reason. To delete or remove an Ally first log into your account. Then click on the top bar that says "ACTIVITY" and then "ALLIES." Hold down on the Ally you'd like to delete/remove and click "DELETE."

Accounts & Privacy

How private are the things I do in SuperBetter?

Anything you do or post within SuperBetter is Private to the outside world (e.g., Google won't find it). Your Allies, however, can see all of your content and activity- their role is to watch your progress and cheer you on! Allies can't see what's inside your Secret Lab-a feature that's only available on our websiter version at SuperBetter.com.

Be aware that the SuperBetter Community Group on Facebook is public. Take care when publishing under your real name.

How do you use the Facebook Connection?

The Facebook buttons you see around SuperBetter are optional, and only there to make logging in and finding people easier. We don't post anything to Facebook (or Twitter, for that matter) without you asking us to. You'll see opportunities to post to Facebook or Twitter when you complete Quests, and next to each item on your Activity page.

You can also find and invite Allies using Facebook.

How do I close my account?

To delete your account, first log into your account. Next, in the upper right corner of your screen, click on the upside-down triangle and click "EDIT MY PROFILE." Then hit the "DELETE" button. Then follow the prompts to delete your account. (Note: This feature is only available on the SuperBetter Website and not on the mobile apps)

Does SuperBetter cost anything?

No, we make this version of SuperBetter available for free to anyone around the world. You can use the web-based version, or download the free mobile version of the game in the App and Android stores. There are no additional in-game purchases or fees.

How do I unsubscribe from emails?

On the SuperBetter Website

To unsubscribe to emails, log into your account. Next, in the upper right corner of your screen click on the upside-down triangle and click "EDIT MY PROFILE." Then click "EDIT." Uncheck the box that says "I want to recieve SuperBetter emails" and click "SAVE."

On the SuperBetter iOS App

To unsubscribe to emails, log into your account and click on the "Profile" tab. Click on the pencil which is to the right of the "ACCOUNT" section. Scroll to the bottom and click "No" under "RECEIVE EMAILS?"

On the SuperBetter Android App

To unsubscribe to emails, log in to your account. Next, click on the three dots at the top of the screen and click on 'Account.' Scroll to the bottom and uncheck the box beside "RECIEVE EMAILS" and then click on the check mark in the upper right to save your options.